Made from premium tested 100% natural Australian hay, our Small Animal Hay Cubes are the ideal forage alternative or healthy treat for your rabbit or guinea pig. There are many benefits to including hay cubes in your rabbit or guinea pigs diet including:

Hay Cubes are a natural, nutritionally consistent alternative source of forage.

Hay Cubes use the entire plant, ensuring no selective foraging occurs.

Minimal dust occurs in Hay Cubes which can assist with respiratory problems.

Hay Cubes have a retained fibre length to promote chewing for optimal dental health.
Pasture Hay Cubes
Our Pasture Hay Cubes are made from 100% pure premium Australian Clover, Rye and Oaten hay free from unwanted additives in a highly palatable 32mm high fibre cube form suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs.
Available in convenient 2kg resealable bags from your nearest stockist or shop online.

Teff & Lucerne Hay Cubes
Our Teff and Lucerne Small Animal Hay Cubes are made from 100% pure premium Australian tested teff and lucerne hay free from unwanted additives in a highly palatable 32mm high fibre cube form suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs.
Available in convenient 2kg resealable bags from your nearest stockist or shop online.

Oaten & Lucerne Hay Cubes
Our Oaten and Lucerne Small Animal Hay Cubes are made from 100% pure premium Australian tested export quality oaten and lucerne hay free from unwanted additives in a highly palatable 32mm high fibre cube form suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs.
Available in convenient 2kg resealable bags from your nearest stockist or shop online.

Why should you feed rabbits hay cubes?
Learn why roughage is the most crucial component in a rabbit’s diet and the many benefits feeding Hay Cubes offer in our blog here.