MultiCube International is a leading producer of hay and cubes in Australia. Innovation and dedication are what have kept MultiCube at the forefront of the industry.

Today, MultiCube farms in excess of 4000 acres consisting of dryland grown oaten hay, irrigated Lucerne hay (Alfalfa), Teff hay and Pasture hay. Utilising the benefits of minimal till farming, we strive to provide the highest quality hay for our valued customers.

Offering a variety of Cubed hay and Compressed hay, the range of hay products from MultiCube is intended to reduce the cost of transport and to make feeding your animals easier, cleaner and simpler.

Export Process

Growing Quality – The quality process for MultiCube hay starts from the ground up, field inspections take place before fields are planted, this quality process continues on throughout the growing season, with weekly crop inspections taking place for crop nutrient requirements and also crop cleanliness.

Hay Making Quality – Hay season is one of the most important steps in the hay making process, time of cutting, raking and baling are all critical to ensuring hay of the highest quality.

Sampling and storage and traceability-   Once our hay has been baled it undergoes the following quality steps and checks.

  • Moisture testing is undertaken while baling, using Gazeeka bale moisture monitors, then again before stacking in our storage shed.

  • Analysis, hay lots are then individually core tested for feed analysis, with these samples then being forwarded to a laboratory for testing.

  • Identification, traceability of all hay lots is maintained with inventory numbers which allow us to trace a bale back to the individual field that it came from.

Processing and Compressing

Our hay press was designed to allow two infeed format configurations, offering both teased hay and sliced hay options.

Our teasing infeed includes: 

  • Variable speed rotors to allow specific hay fibre chop length.

  • Rock separator, to remove any foreign material, such as dirt or rocks.

  • Dust extraction and gravity chamber with integrated high-power magnets.

  • Final bales then pass through an industrial metal detector, for final quality check.

Our sliced infeed includes: 

  • Retention of longer fibre length for straw products.

  • Maintain leaf and stem in alfalfa products.

  • Metal detection of final bales.

Packaging and Sizing

We are able to offer the following packaging options:

  • Half Cut 29-31kg bales, in 24bale packs, either unitised, or unitised and wrapped.

  • Average pack weight 720kg. 864 bales per 40ft HC container.

  • Full bale 58-62kg bales, in 12bale packs, either unitised, or unitised and wrapped.

  • Average pack weight 720kg. 432 bales per 40ft HC container.

  • Sleeve bales – 450kg bales. Packed 58 bales per 40ft HC container.

Packaging Options

  • Bulk containers.

  • Bulk Bags.

  • Sleeve bales – sealed bottom and draw string openings.

  • 20kg polywoven bags.

Packaging and Sizing

We are able to offer the following packaging options:

  • Half Cut 29-31kg bales, in 24bale packs, either unitised, or unitised and wrapped.

  • Average pack weight 720kg. 864 bales per 40ft HC container.

  • Full bale 58-62kg bales, in 12bale packs, either unitised, or unitised and wrapped.

  • Average pack weight 720kg. 432 bales per 40ft HC container.

  • Sleeve bales – 450kg bales. Packed 58 bales per 40ft HC container.