Roughage should make up 85% of a rabbits diet.
Roughage is the most important part of a rabbit’s diet – Did you know, roughage in the form of hay or grass should make up a massive 85% of their diet? Feeding MultiCube Hay Cubes is an easy and convenient way to include more roughage into your rabbit’s nutrition.
In this blog, we’ll cover the reasons why roughage is the most crucial component in their diet and explain the many benefits feeding Hay Cubes offers.
Healthy Digestion
Whilst rabbits are fantastic pets, their diets need to be kept as natural as possible to how they would forage in the wild to maintain optimal digestive health. Roughage plays a pivotal role in gut health, as long indigestible fibre actually stimulates the gut and keeps food continually moving through it, preventing the occurrence of gastrointestinal stasis – a potentially fatal condition where the gut slows down or stops functioning entirely.
It is also important to feed a diversified and balanced mix of fibres! Studies have shown that the inclusion of various fibre sources has more benefits than using a single fibrous material. This is where our MultiCube Small Animal Cubes make the ideal addition to your rabbit’s diet, as they are made up of multiple hay varieties and use the entire plant, ensuring no selective foraging occurs. For example, our Pasture Hay Cubes contain Australian grown, Clover, Rye and Oaten hay fibres. Learn more about our Hay Cube varieties here.

Optimal Dental Health
Human teeth are very different from rabbit teeth! While our teeth stay the same size and shape throughout our adult life, rabbit teeth grow and grow continuously – Up to a whopping 1cm per month! The reason this species developed their continually growing teeth is due to the large amounts of fibre needed to make up their ideal diet. Due to this constant growth, their teeth need constant wear to prevent painful dental issues that can affect their ability to eat.
The good news is, the fibrous texture of hay provides the necessary abrasion to grind down their teeth naturally – Even better news MultiCube Small Animal Cubes are the most convenient way to feed a variety of hay types and textures, making them the easiest way to keep on top of rabbit teeth. Unlike chaff, our Hay Cubes have a retained fibre length to promote more chewing.
Weight Management
Just like humans, rabbits can face weight-related issues. A diet centred around roughage helps to regulate their weight by keeping them full, meeting their required fibre intake and keeping them busy. This helps to prevent obesity, which is a common problem among pet rabbits. MultiCube Small Animal Hay Cubes are a healthy addition to your pet’s diet, free from unwanted additives, like artificial colours, preservatives or flavours
Mental Stimulation
Another benefit of roughage and in particular, MultiCube Small Animal Hay Cubes, is that they’ll keep your pet rabbit busy! The compressed nature of the cubes encourages natural foraging behaviour, as rabbits enjoy nibbling and exploring their food and usually spend 6 – 8 hours a day grazing. They must work away at stripping down the cube, picking out the strands they like best first and this engagement helps prevent boredom. Without constant access to forage, or given something to chew on, rabbits are far more likely to become depressed on engage in destructive behaviours around the house.
Balanced Nutritional Intake
Roughage in your rabbit’s diet isn’t just about fibre! It also contains essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are vital for rabbits to maintain healthy bodies and keep up energy levels. By offering a variety of hay such as teff hay, oaten hay, clover hay and small amounts of lucerne hay, you can provide a well-rounded diet for your rabbit.
MultiCube Small Animal Hay Cubes are the most convenient way to feed your rabbit forage and fibre! Our three Hay Cube varieties come in convenient resealable 2kg bags, which keep them fresh, minimise mess and are super easy to store. Minimal dust also occurs in Hay Cubes, which can assist with respiratory problems.